National Allied Golf Associations

Golf in Canada: Economic Impact Study


  • Economic impact analysis

  • Survey creation and deployment

  • Engagement

Work Sample

Read the full report here.

Project description

The National Allied Golf Associations (NAGA) represents a coalition of golf associations in Canada. NAGA supports and advocates for the sport of golf, ensuring its growth now and into the future.

In 2023, 21FSP was contracted by NAGA to undertake a comprehensive study showing the economic impact of golf in Canada.

To gather robust and accurate data, 21FSP developed and deployed surveys, collecting over 12,000 responses from golfers and 400 responses from golf course operators across the country.

The study meticulously examined golf's contribution to Canada's GDP, offering insights into how the sport drives economic activity both nationally and provincially. It also considered golfer demographics, identifying key trends and patterns among those who participate in the sport. The research also explored emerging trends at golf courses nationwide, shedding light on how the industry is evolving and adapting to changing times.

One of the unique aspects of this study was its holistic approach, which positioned golf not just as an economic driver, but also as a significant employer, an environmental steward, and a vital outlet for physical, social, and mental wellbeing. This comprehensive perspective highlighted the multifaceted value of golf, emphasizing its role in promoting health, community engagement, and environmental sustainability.